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Our 2024 Orange Campers highlights

What a year it’s been here at Orange Campers – 2024 was the year our Trouvaille Classique MWB was born, and it’s been non-stop ever since!

Keep reading for all the highlights from this year – and a taste of what’s to come in 2025…

The Trouvaille Classique MWB launch

After the Fiat Ducato supply finally returned in February, we were able to launch the MWB officially in April of this year.

Not only did we launch this new van, but we also have two layout options available, and since its launch, we have already made lots of tweaks and improvements. It’s only getting better and better!

Show season and opening our doors

We had a super busy show season this year, kicking off all the way back in January at Kenilworth (where we’re returning again in 2025!) and finally ending in September in Lincoln. There were some weeks over the summer when it felt like we were at a show every weekend!

But we love getting out and about and meeting you all. Which is why we had more Open Days than ever before at our unit – any excuse to meet even more of you! Keep an eye out for more Open Days coming in 2025.

New shop and Orange merch

In June, we opened our brand new shop with lots of incredible Orange Campers merchandise for you all. From T-shirts to mugs, aprons to tote bags, there’s something for everyone.

Our summer Campout

Also in June, we had our summer Orange Campers’ Campout in the Peak District.

And what a lovely event it was, with the MWB being the star of the show, of course! Many of our campers were seeing it in action for the first time, and some went on to upgrade! 

Not forgetting the fab meal in the pub and then the Saturday night BBQ - with chatting around the fire - such good memories!

“Swapping Corrie on telly for Richard on YouTube!”

We saw great success on YouTube this year as we have stuck to weekly uploads, which are now nice and consistent.

Richard is a natural on camera, as many of you have agreed (as one client said – it’s better than Corrie!). He was even spotted in the wild in North Berwick - let’s hope the fame doesn’t go to his head! 🤣

Pop Top to High Top conversions

This year, the demand for Pop Top to High Top conversions was bigger than ever before. Whilst we are specialists in High Top campervans, we do also offer Pop Top conversions, with the increasingly popular MWB classique being one example of Orange Campers' very own Pop Top roof.

Tomlin Trips

We were able to get away a good few times this year in the MWB demonstrator ‘van. We loved our trip to Cornwall in the Spring and then our epic tour of the Basque country in July and August! 

We really put our ‘vans to the test, and since these trips, we have made more tweaks as a result of giving them a proper test drive.

MWB High Roof coming soon

In September, we took our first order on the MWB high roof. This will be the first ‘van out of production in the new year - we can’t wait to show you!

Orange Family changes and workshop upgrades

In October, we saw the arrival of our amazing production manager Marc Hopkins, who joined us from Swift, and he has so far brought a wealth of expertise to Orange HQ. 

Gavin, our new fitter, arrived in November, and in December, we installed a brand new CNC machine to help keep up with the orders we are creating. Exciting times!

…And in 2025?

What of the future? We have so much in the pipeline we can’t wait to share with you! 

Keep an eye out for our new welcome area with a workstation and chill out zone with a window onto our very own workshop and even an in-house shop area.

We also have more ‘vans planned to arrive in the first quarter, with autos arriving from Fiat for the first time in a very long time!

Plus, a revamp for the micro camper with some exciting new interior choices!

Like what you see? Come and see us at the workshop

Come and see our Trouvaille Classique MWB, Trouvaille Actif or Micro Camper for yourself. You can visit us at our workshop in Rotherham, near Sheffield, by booking in a test drive.

Do also follow us on Facebook and Instagram, or sign up to our newsletter to be notified of our next Open Day or Campout.



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