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All you need to know about our pop top to high top campervan conversions

Updated: Oct 8, 2024

pop top to high top campervan conversions

Here at Orange Campers, we are specialists in high top campervans

But lately, we’ve had more and more customers come in and say, “I've got a pop top, but things have changed, and now I'd prefer a high top”. 

So, as the demand has increased, we’ve seen a sharp rise in pop tops to high top campervans! 

If you already have a pop top campervan that you’re happy with, a conversion is a great option to avoid having to sell and instead upgrade your family ‘van to suit your changing needs. 

While we, of course, offer pop top to high top conversions on our ‘vans, we also can do this conversion on a ‘van that you may already have. 

Read on to find out how we got started in these types of conversions and how it all works…

A little history of our pop top to high top journey

We actually didn’t start Orange Campers intending to build high top campervans! We began making pop top vans exclusively, but as the need for and desire for high tops became evident, we began offering these conversions. 

When we launched the SWB Trouvaille Classique, we decided to launch a high-top version, which was really successful. We then launched the Trouvaille Actif as both a pop top and a high top version. And the demand for the high top Actif has been much higher!

So the verdict was in – high tops was the way to go!

As we created more and more high tops we became known as high top specialists.

Watch Richard show us around a recent SWB pop top to high top conversion

How our conversions came about

However, our offering soon evolved to pop top to high top conversions, which have been surprisingly popular!

A client came to us wanting to convert the pop top Actif demo into a high top. 

After this conversion, our conversions gained momentum to where we are today as leading experts in pop top to high top campervan conversions.

How our pop top to high top conversions work

So how does a pop top to high top conversion work? 

After getting in touch with us we would have a discussion with you to find out exactly what you’re looking for.

You can then bring in your ‘van to our unit here in Rotherham (near Sheffield) or if you’re further away send us photos for us to have a closer look.

We then look at your wood choices and check it is possible for us to match them in a conversion and give you a quote.

We do try to match things really cleverly, and our fantastic engineers and fitters work closely with us, so you receive a high top ‘van that looks like it was a high top from day one!

A conversion may not be a ‘cheap’ option, but it is a good option if you’re looking to keep your 'van, refresh it and make it into something you really want longer term. When you have a lot of history and memories with a ‘van, why not hang onto it if you can? Plus, as you’ve owned it for some time before, you have a better understanding of its service history and all the quirks that each ‘van has.

A high top can be a more practical and comfortable ‘van than a pop top. It’s warmer in cooler weather and better in the rain, too, as you don’t have to dry out the canvas. If you don’t need to sleep lots of people (for example, a couple or solo traveller), it’s the ideal campervan.

And it needn’t take too long either. Our lead time currently is about two to three weeks from when you leave your ‘van with us. 

When we hand it back over, you get a complete transformation and what can feel like a brand new ‘van!

Alan and Elspeth's 'van!

Recent successful conversions

Mark and Sue

Earlier this summer, we handed a bespoke VW pop top to high top conversion over to happy customers Mark and Sue.

They were so impressed by our work that they even posted in another campervan company’s Facebook Group sharing his new ‘van, which has seen a flurry of enquiries and bookings for more pop top to high top builds this year.

Along with the conversion, Mark took the opportunity to add lithium to the ‘van. Here’s what he had to say about this new ‘van:

“It is really good! The lithium is too. Because we don’t need hook up, if we can’t be bothered to get the cable out when it’s raining, then we don’t! The charging while driving has worked well, too.”

Alan and Elspeth

Other recent happy conversion clients are Alan and Elspeth who shared this with us last week:

“We’ve been in Brittany for a week now and are really pleased with the high top. It is everything we wanted and more. It looks great from both inside and out. There’s so much more space,  we haven’t used all the cupboards yet! Thank you to all at Orange campers.”

Take a look at one of our Trouvaille Actif pop top to high top conversions:

Interested in a pop top to high top conversion for yourself?

Get in touch today for a chat on how we can help you convert your pop top into the high top of your dreams!



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